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php-fpm 7.1 child exited with code 70

Posted by beatnut 
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php-fpm 7.1 child exited with code 70
January 12, 2017 03:04AM
After upgrading to php 7.1 i have at least one a day log entries like this.

[12-Jan-2017 06:58:21] WARNING: [pool xxx] child 8621 exited with code 70 after 34650.677192 seconds from start
[12-Jan-2017 06:58:24] WARNING: [pool yyy] child 749 exited with code 70 after 1606.741001 seconds from start
[12-Jan-2017 06:58:25] WARNING: [pool aaa] child 16281 exited with code 70 after 21167.097724 seconds from start
[12-Jan-2017 06:58:26] WARNING: [pool bbb] child 28951 exited with code 70 after 16304.440978 seconds from start
[12-Jan-2017 06:58:27] WARNING: [pool ccc] child 3832 exited with code 70 after 13587.031634 seconds from start
[12-Jan-2017 06:58:28] WARNING: [pool dddd] child 11432 exited with code 70 after 10654.602095 seconds from start
[12-Jan-2017 06:58:29] WARNING: [pool eeee] child 7058 exited with code 70 after 5.385061 seconds from start
[12-Jan-2017 06:58:31] WARNING: [pool ffff] child 28626 exited with code 70 after 54040.579496 seconds from start
[12-Jan-2017 06:58:41] WARNING: [pool uuuu] child 25614 exited on signal 9 (SIGKILL) after 4475.137768 seconds from start

Somethimes there is only few entries but somethimes several dozens all in the same time.This applies not all my pools but some of them in randow way.
Iteresting is the last one with SIGKILL.

I found this in fpm source code https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/master/sapi/fpm/fpm/fpm.h#L29
but i don't have any idea what is responsible for that kind of behaviour.
I've tried to minimize pm.max_requests=1000 but without any improvement.

Is this a php bug?
Re: php-fpm 7.1 child exited with code 70
January 12, 2017 03:12AM

nginx for Windows http://nginx-win.ecsds.eu/
Re: php-fpm 7.1 child exited with code 70
January 12, 2017 03:56AM
Thanks, I've read it already. I've 32G of ram on my server, 20G is free

upload_max_filesize = 64M
post_max_size = 64M

extensions: opcache,imagick

There is no limit of ram per user proccess as far i know.

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