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DirectoryIndex index.php w/ php-fpm & mod_proxy_fcgi

Posted by Gottfried Haider 
Gottfried Haider
DirectoryIndex index.php w/ php-fpm & mod_proxy_fcgi
January 24, 2014 04:50PM

I am currently setting up php-fpm with mod_proxy_fcgi to replace a mod_php
configuration, and I can't seem to get DirectoryIndex to work with php
files, since this also routes requests for directories without am index.php
file (where one would e.g. be served a directory listing) through the proxy
to php-fpm, which then outputs "File not found.".

There seem to be somewhat a way to avoid this, using a RewriteRule rather
than ProxyPassMatch, but I hope to avoid going down this route (especially
since the Apache documentation recommends against doing so for performance
reasons, which is my motivation for this endeavor in the first place).

Any other ideas? Is this something that is being worked on?

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