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PHP-FPM : PHP_VALUE applied to different domain

Posted by Mikushi 
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PHP-FPM : PHP_VALUE applied to different domain
May 21, 2012 11:36AM

not sure if it's the right area for this question as I'm not 100% sure if it's a PHP-FPM issue or a Nginx issue. So here is my problem :

My setup is :
Ubuntu 12.04
Nginx 1.1.19
PHP 5.3.10ubuntu3.1

I have multiple domain setup on my Nginx server (all using php-fpm), on one of these domain, I set a php ini setting using:
fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE "auto_prepend_file=/var/myfile.php"

My problem is that, randomly it seems, my other domains pick up on that value which creates errors. Restarting both Nginx and FPM resolves the problem for a short period of time until it pops up again...

Anybody experienced this issue?
Re: PHP-FPM : PHP_VALUE applied to different domain
June 29, 2012 04:20PM
Yes, I've encountered the same issue. It appears that the PHP_VALUE supplied is retained per worker. Look at your settings overridden in PHP_VALUE and look at the results from phpinfo() repeatedly.

I've worked around the issue by declaring my overridden PHP_VALUE(s) for all my sites that utilize PHP.

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