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R: Re: Creating pools dynamically without restart fpm?

Posted by strae 
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R: Re: Creating pools dynamically without restart fpm?
July 11, 2011 09:02AM
Thanks jerome for the (sad) answer, i saw your name many times about fpm and
i want to thank you to the big efforts youre doing to improve fpm!
Jérôme Loyet
Re: Re: Creating pools dynamically without restart fpm?
July 11, 2011 09:02AM
2011/7/5 Strae <daniele.pignedoli@gmail.com>:
> Thanks jerome for the (sad) answer, i saw your name many times about fpm and
> i want to thank you to the big efforts youre doing to improve fpm!

thanks you.

I'll be working on a gracefull restart of FPM. So that, you can add a
pool or change configuration wihout downtime. All processes will be
stopped gracefully (understand the current request will finish to
serve the current request before stopping) and everything should be
transparent for users. But it's kind of big work. So don't expect it
very soon.

++ jerome

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