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more options to keep ram usage lower?

Posted by Martin 
more options to keep ram usage lower?
October 08, 2009 03:48PM
i have 117 pools in php-fpm each one has 3 processes (each one with 10
max requests)
just after the start all the processes uses 270mb of ram
but after like 4 hours it remains between 700mb and 1.2gb
i see around 30 pools (3 processes each) that uses 20-50mb and 2/3
that go sometimes at 380mb!! the rest is between 0-5mb
i think a total average of 700mb and 1.2gb is too high
some configurations i can tune to low the average ram usage?
i think having 2 more configuration for each pool will be useful:

MAX_IDLE = seconds of inactivity after which the worker process
MIN_REQUESTS_BEFORE_RESTART = at least this number of requests must
have been handled to issue a restart

without this concepts memory leaks on pools that handle few requests
in time (and so rarely restarts worker processes) will keep ram
without sense

best regards :)
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