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mod_layout - what is wrong?

witekfl Gazeta.pl
January 06, 2010 10:12AM

I want to write the mod_layout.
The idea is: write all chains to temp file, at the end read it, insert the
header after <body> and the footer before </body>.
Sometimes it fails. There is only the header and the footer. Why?
Could you review it?
nginx-devel mailing list
Subject Author Views Posted

mod_layout - what is wrong?

witekfl Gazeta.pl 4012 January 06, 2010 10:12AM

Re: mod_layout - what is wrong?

Maxim Dounin 1398 January 06, 2010 06:40PM

Re: mod_layout - what is wrong?

witekfl 1891 January 07, 2010 03:06PM

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