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Re: [RFC] [PATCH] Autoindex: support sorting using URL parameters

February 02, 2013 04:08PM
Hi Valentin,

On Wednesday 30 January 2013 22:54:29 Valentin V. Bartenev wrote:
> I would prefer something like "autoindex_sort" directive
> autoindex_sort criterion [ order ];
> with variables support.
> And if user want Apache-like behavior then he will be able to configure
> it like this:
> map $arg_C $criteria {
> default name;
> M modified;
> S size;
> }
> map $arg_O $ord {
> default asc;
> D desc;
> }
> autoindex_sort $criteria $ord;

Can you give me some pointers on how to implement it? I am currently planning
to use http://www.nginxguts.com/2011/01/working-with-cookies/ as guide for
using variables, but I have seen some other possibilities (from a quick
glance): using ngx_http_get_indexed_variable (described in a document from

My current idea is to:
1. Add two complex value types in ngx_http_autoindex_loc_conf_t, one for
criteria, the other for order.
2. In the ngx_http_autoindex_handler function, evaluate the complex value.
RFC: what should happen if the values are invalid? Simply ignore invalid sort
criteria and orderings, defaulting to sorting by name in ascending order?
3. Store the resulting sort criteria and order in a struct with a pointer to
it in ngx_http_autoindex_entry_t. (to avoid evaluating complex values for each
qsort() call).


[1]: http://antoine.bonavita.free.fr/nginx_mod_dev_en.html

nginx-devel mailing list
Subject Author Views Posted

[RFC] [PATCH] Autoindex: support sorting using URL parameters

Lekensteyn 2526 January 29, 2013 12:50PM

Re: [RFC] [PATCH] Autoindex: support sorting using URL parameters

Maxim Dounin 826 January 30, 2013 12:52PM

Re: [RFC] [PATCH] Autoindex: support sorting using URL parameters

Lekensteyn 1231 January 30, 2013 01:10PM

Re: [RFC] [PATCH] Autoindex: support sorting using URL parameters

Valentin V. Bartenev 866 January 30, 2013 01:56PM

Re: [RFC] [PATCH] Autoindex: support sorting using URL parameters

Lekensteyn 1038 January 30, 2013 04:04PM

Re: [RFC] [PATCH] Autoindex: support sorting using URL parameters

Lekensteyn 1070 February 02, 2013 04:08PM

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