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Regarding rewrite

June 23, 2012 03:02AM
Hello all

I have a usecase for a server rewrite, what I essentially want to do
is have a common domain like common.faskiri.com serve some contents
for specific domains like zone1.com, zone2.com etc. for some specific
url pattern.

For instance:
common.faskiri.com/zone1/asset should basically be rewritten to
zone1/asset. Now zone1 has its own server section with /asset

I tried using rewrite module and realized it doesnt seem to handle the
usecase I have.

I created a plugin with NGX_HTTP_SERVER_REWRITE_PHASE expecting that
if I rewrite request.headers_in.server here, nginx would set the
srv_conf to zone1 and evaluate location config accordingly. But this
doesnt seem to work either, nginx seems to handle these cases with a
301 redirect instead.

For now I have configured my system to not use common.faskiri.com and
instead have common.zone1.com which uses the same set of location
config as zone1.com however what I failed to understand was, why is
server rewriting not allowed, or if it is allowed, how do I use it.

Thank you for your patience

nginx-devel mailing list
Subject Author Views Posted

Regarding rewrite

faskiri.devel 1222 June 23, 2012 03:02AM

Re: Regarding rewrite

Valentin V. Bartenev 532 June 23, 2012 08:00AM

Re: Regarding rewrite

faskiri.devel 599 June 24, 2012 03:10AM

Re: Regarding rewrite

faskiri.devel 625 June 25, 2012 11:26AM

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