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How can the nginx detect the stale event using 'instance'?

February 21, 2012 04:52AM
These days, I am studying the nginx source code..

I think this code is very beautiful, and fully modulized.. BUT so it is difficult to follow the code.-_-;

BTW, In struct ngx_event_s, there is ‘unsigned instance:1;’..

I can’t understand how can the nginx detect the stale events using it.-_-;

Could you please explain the detection mechanism or give me a hint?

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Subject Author Views Posted

How can the nginx detect the stale event using 'instance'?

김수영 1363 February 21, 2012 04:52AM

Re: How can the nginx detect the stale event using 'instance'?

Maxim Dounin 527 February 21, 2012 08:30AM

RE: How can the nginx detect the stale event using 'instance'?

김수영 612 February 21, 2012 07:00PM

Re: How can the nginx detect the stale event using 'instance'?

Maxim Dounin 1087 February 22, 2012 09:14AM

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