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Re: Does anyone plan to develop the feature of openssl' OCSP stapling?

Rob Stradling
June 21, 2012 10:06AM
On 12/03/12 10:12, Rob Stradling wrote:
> "As to OCSP, I'm going to implement it in the next 2.0 version."
> Igor, is this still your plan?
> If so, do you have a (very rough) ETA for nginx v2.0?
> (I don't see v2.0 mentioned here: http://trac.nginx.org/nginx/roadmap)
> Or are there any other regular nginx developers who could work on OCSP
> Stapling?
> Or is it worth me having a go at writing a patch?

Just to update this thread...

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> Thanks!
> On 16/06/11 16:02, Igor Sysoev wrote:
>> On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 02:30:55PM +0100, Rob Stradling wrote:
>>> On November 25, 2010 04:42AM Weibin Yao wrote:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> I think the the feature of OCSP stapling[1] is very useful for the
>>>> browser blocked by the OCSP request. And the feature has supported
>>>> since
>>>> openssl 0.9.8g. Apache's mod_ssl has also added this patch in the
>>>> development branch[2].
>>>> Does anyone have the plan to develop this feature?
>>> Hi. The CAs and Browsers represented in the CA/Browser Forum
>>> (http://cabforum.org/forum.html) are growing increasingly interested in
>>> encouraging wider adoption of OCSP Stapling.
>>> Since nobody else has replied to this thread, I presume that OCSP
>>> Stapling is
>>> not currently a priority for the core nginx developers. So, I've started
>>> having a go at writing a patch. I'm basing it heavily on Dr Steve
>>> Henson's
>>> OCSP Stapling code that was first included in Apache httpd 2.3.3 [3].
>>> I'd like
>>> to ask a few questions before I proceed any further:
>>> 1. If I am able to complete my patch, are you likely to review/commit
>>> it?
>>> Or is OCSP Stapling the sort of feature that you'd prefer to only let
>>> a core
>>> nginx developer work on?
>>> 2. I was under the impression that nginx started life as a fork of
>>> Apache
>>> httpd, but I don't see any messages along the lines of "This product
>>> includes
>>> software developed by the Apache Group..." in the source code. Is
>>> nginx 100%
>>> *not* a derivative work of Apache httpd?
>>> 3. Steve Henson's code is presumably licensed under ASL 2.0 [4], which
>>> presumably means that my patch would be classed as a "Derivative
>>> Work" subject
>>> to various conditions (see the "4. Redistribution" section in ASL
>>> 2.0). Would
>>> this prevent you from accepting it?
>>> (Since ASL 2.0 says "nothing herein shall supersede or modify the
>>> terms of any
>>> separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor
>>> regarding such
>>> Contributions", perhaps I should ask Steve Henson if he would be
>>> willing to
>>> contribute the same code to nginx under a different licence).
>> nginx is not Apache fork. I know well enough Apache 1.3 and I've got some
>> ideas from Apache such as memory pools, configuration methods, processing
>> phases, etc., but there is no line of Apache code. As to OCSP, I'm going
>> to implement it in the next 2.0 version.

Rob Stradling
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nginx-devel mailing list
Subject Author Views Posted

Re: Does anyone plan to develop the feature of openssl' OCSP stapling?

Rob Stradling 2536 June 16, 2011 09:32AM

Re: Does anyone plan to develop the feature of openssl' OCSP stapling?

Igor Sysoev 3116 June 16, 2011 11:04AM

Re: Does anyone plan to develop the feature of openssl' OCSP stapling?

Rob Stradling 1143 June 16, 2011 11:42AM

Re: Does anyone plan to develop the feature of openssl' OCSP stapling?

Arnaud GRANAL 1226 June 16, 2011 12:18PM

Re: Does anyone plan to develop the feature of openssl' OCSP stapling?

Arnaud GRANAL 1118 June 16, 2011 12:18PM

Re: Does anyone plan to develop the feature of openssl' OCSP stapling?

Rob Stradling 1902 June 17, 2011 06:54AM

Re: Does anyone plan to develop the feature of openssl' OCSP stapling?

Rob Stradling 1046 March 12, 2012 06:14AM

Re: Does anyone plan to develop the feature of openssl' OCSP stapling?

Rob Stradling 1076 June 21, 2012 10:06AM

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