Recently I noticed that logrotate does not actually rotate the files correctly.
I noticed this in 0.8.54.
The issue seems to be that neither -USR1 or -s reopen will reopen the log files
after they've been rotated. I'm not sure if this specific to the version
packaged in Debian but I've seen it as an issue on both Ubuntu and Debian.
Below is what I tried to do to figure out what's going on...
### Clean slate
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# /etc/init.d/nginx stop
Stopping nginx: nginx.
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# rm *
### Start Nginx: Creates new log files
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# /etc/init.d/nginx start
Starting nginx: nginx.
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# du access.log access.log.1
8 access.log
du: cannot access `access.log.1': No such file or directory
### Force logrotate to run (which runs the kill -USR1)
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# logrotate -f /etc/logrotate.d/nginx
### Log files rotated
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# du access.log access.log.1
0 access.log
8 access.log.1
### At this point files should already be getting written to the new file
### because of the -USR1 in the logrotate script
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# du access.log access.log.1
0 access.log
24 access.log.1
### To make sure the kill was run, we invoke it ourselves
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# kill -USR1 `cat /var/run/`
### And see that nginx still isn't using the new file
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# du access.log access.log.1
0 access.log
48 access.log.1
### Using the more proper approach
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# nginx -s reopen
### We get the same thing
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# du access.log access.log.1
0 access.log
68 access.log.1
### Trying a less appropriate option....
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# /etc/init.d/nginx reload
Reloading nginx configuration: nginx.
### It's finally reopened the files
root@liber:/var/log/nginx# du access.log access.log.1
20 access.log
68 access.log.1
Hopefully some smart people here can tell me what I'm doing wrong. :)
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