Thanks for your apply.
I tried the way to use single pool for each subrequest. But I found
it's can't work for lots of things.
The memory I want to free is the data fethed from upstream,that is
from proxy module.
I tried to use ngx_pfree to free the memory, but I can't find the
callback which i can register to do this work.
so, I want to know is there any callback handler to set to ngx_pfree
the output data.
Before,I used ngx_pfree in ngx_http_post_subrequest_t->handler. But
I'm wrong because the output data may not be sent over.
To Agentzh, I found in echo module ,that pr->write_event_handler is
set in ngx_http_post_subrequest_t->handler.
So, I just guess maybe I can set the pr->write_event_handler, which do
ngx_pfree, in ngx_http_post_subrequest_t->handler, just like the echo
module did.
2010/11/17 agentzh <>:
> On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Chieu <> wrote:
>> To agentzh,
> I've cc'd the nginx-devel mailing list, BTW.
>> I had read your lua, echo module.
>> I think the location.capture of lua module, and echo_location_async of
>> echo module may cause this problem, too
> By design (well, I mean by Igor Sysoev's design), nginx subrequests do
> share the same memory pool with the main request (see the definition
> of the ngx_http_subrequest function). So I think an assumption here is
> that a main request does not take a *lot* of subrequests, at least
> usually ;)
> If it is your user data in each subrequest that takes up too much
> room, you can explicitly free them by making an ngx_pfree call, as
> long as those chunks are big enough (nginx's memory pool will ignore
> small chunks and thus save some CPU cycles).
>> For example:
>> location /main {
>> echo_reset_timer;
>> # subrequests in parallel
>> echo_location_async /sub1;
>> echo_location_async /sub2;
>> ...
>> echo_location_async /subn;
>> echo "took $echo_timer_elapsed sec for total.";
>> }
>> If there are many "echo_location_async /subX", echo subrequest will
>> occupy some memory. Lots of memory will not be free in time.
>> So,if /main is requested a lot , the system memory will be run out.
> Fortunately in almost all of *our* web apps, "n" in your example is
> quite small, usually 2 or 3, and 5 at most :)
>> Am I right? And what's your opinion?
> I think in theory you can explicitly force each subrequest created by
> yourself to use a separate memory pool such that when a subrequest
> finalizes, it can free up its own pool as soon as possible. But I
> haven't done that myself and it's very likely some parts of the nginx
> core relies on the assumption that subrequest's memory chunks do have
> an identical lifetime as all of its parent requests. I'm not sure. And
> I myself, for example, have used this assumption in our ngx_lua module
> to capture subrequest response headers for the ngx.location.capture
> Lua interface ;)
> Cheers,
> -agentzh
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