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Re: bad performance with nginx cache

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Franchoze Eric
September 02, 2010 03:46PM
31.08.10, 16:43, "Igor Sysoev" <igor@sysoev.ru>:
> Unfortunatly, these backtraces have not debug information.
> What does "nginx -V" show ?

All this backtraces are not related to nginx core and were caused due to some custom modules. Sorry for complaining about that before checking.

I have some questions about cache which I did not figured out from docs:

1. how do you thing which file system it is better to use for cache (XFS?)?
2. Is it possible to select boundaries of cached objects? min_size < cache_obj < max_size
3. Is there any stats for cache? I suppose that enabling logs will slow down performance.
4. Can nginx detect that getting object from cache takes much longer time then downloading it? And do some reconfigure options on the fly.

nginx-devel mailing list
Subject Author Views Posted

bad performance with nginx cache

Franchoze Eric 4676 August 27, 2010 06:26AM

Re: bad performance with nginx cache

Igor Sysoev 1608 August 27, 2010 06:48AM

Re: bad performance with nginx cache

Igor Sysoev 1419 August 27, 2010 06:58AM

Re: bad performance with nginx cache

Franchoze Eric 1774 August 30, 2010 06:16AM

Re: bad performance with nginx cache

Boris Dolgov 1650 August 30, 2010 06:28AM

Re: bad performance with nginx cache

Igor Sysoev 1508 August 30, 2010 11:42AM

Re: Re: bad performance with nginx cache

Franchoze Eric 1280 August 30, 2010 02:58PM

Re: Re: bad performance with nginx cache

Igor Sysoev 1611 August 31, 2010 08:44AM

Re: bad performance with nginx cache

Franchoze Eric 1719 September 02, 2010 03:46PM

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