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[nginx-announce] nginx-1.21.4

Posted by Maxim Dounin 
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Maxim Dounin
[nginx-announce] nginx-1.21.4
November 02, 2021 11:10AM
Changes with nginx 1.21.4 02 Nov 2021

*) Change: support for NPN instead of ALPN to establish HTTP/2
connections has been removed.

*) Change: now nginx rejects SSL connections if ALPN is used by the
client, but no supported protocols can be negotiated.

*) Change: the default value of the "sendfile_max_chunk" directive was
changed to 2 megabytes.

*) Feature: the "proxy_half_close" directive in the stream module.

*) Feature: the "ssl_alpn" directive in the stream module.

*) Feature: the $ssl_alpn_protocol variable.

*) Feature: support for SSL_sendfile() when using OpenSSL 3.0.

*) Feature: the "mp4_start_key_frame" directive in the
Thanks to Tracey Jaquith.

*) Bugfix: in the $content_length variable when using chunked transfer

*) Bugfix: after receiving a response with incorrect length from a
proxied backend nginx might nevertheless cache the connection.
Thanks to Awdhesh Mathpal.

*) Bugfix: invalid headers from backends were logged at the "info" level
instead of "error"; the bug had appeared in 1.21.1.

*) Bugfix: requests might hang when using HTTP/2 and the "aio_write"

Maxim Dounin
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