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[nginx-announce] nginx-1.21.1

Posted by Maxim Dounin 
Maxim Dounin
[nginx-announce] nginx-1.21.1
July 06, 2021 11:18AM
Changes with nginx 1.21.1 06 Jul 2021

*) Change: now nginx always returns an error for the CONNECT method.

*) Change: now nginx always returns an error if both "Content-Length"
and "Transfer-Encoding" header lines are present in the request.

*) Change: now nginx always returns an error if spaces or control
characters are used in the request line.

*) Change: now nginx always returns an error if spaces or control
characters are used in a header name.

*) Change: now nginx always returns an error if spaces or control
characters are used in the "Host" request header line.

*) Change: optimization of configuration testing when using many
listening sockets.

*) Bugfix: nginx did not escape """, "<", ">", "\", "^", "`", "{", "|",
and "}" characters when proxying with changed URI.

*) Bugfix: SSL variables might be empty when used in logs; the bug had
appeared in 1.19.5.

*) Bugfix: keepalive connections with gRPC backends might not be closed
after receiving a GOAWAY frame.

*) Bugfix: reduced memory consumption for long-lived requests when
proxying with more than 64 buffers.

Maxim Dounin
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