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[nginx-announce] unit-1.24.0

Posted by Valentin V. Bartenev 
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Valentin V. Bartenev
[nginx-announce] unit-1.24.0
May 27, 2021 03:28PM

I'm glad to announce a new release of NGINX Unit.

This one is full of shiny new features. But before I dive into the details,
let me introduce our new developers without whom this release wouldn't be so
feature-rich. Please, welcome Zhidao Hong (洪志道) and Oisín Canty.

Zhidao has already been contributing to various nginx open-source projects for
years as a community member, and I'm very excited to finally have him on board.

Oisín is a university student who's very interested in Unit; he joined our dev
team as an intern and already shown solid coding skills, curiosity, and
attention to details, which is so important to our project. Good job!

Now, back to the features. I'd like to highlight the first of our improvements
in serving static media assets.

:: MIME Type Filtering ::

Now, you can restrict file serving by MIME type:

"share": "/www/data",
"types": [ "image/*", "video/*" ]

The configuration above allows only files with various video and image
extensions, but all other requests will return status code 403.

In particular, this goes well with the "fallback" option that performs another
action if the "share" returns a 40x error:

"share": "/www/data",
"types": [ "!application/x-httpd-php" ],

"fallback": {
"pass": "applications/php"

Here, all requests to existing files other than ".php" will be served as static
content while the rest will be passed to a PHP application.

More examples and documentation snippets are available here:

- https://unit.nginx.org/configuration/#mime-filtering

:: Chrooting and Path Restrictions When Serving Files ::

As we take security seriously, now Unit introduces the ability to chroot
not only its application processes but also the static files it serves on
a per-request basis. Additionally, you can restrict traversal of mounting
points and symbolic link resolution:

"share": "/www/data/static/",
"chroot": "/www/data/",
"follow_symlinks": false,
"traverse_mounts": false

See here for more information:

- https://unit.nginx.org/configuration/#path-restrictions

For details of Unit application process isolation abilities:

- https://unit.nginx.org/configuration/#process-isolation

Other notable features unrelated to static file serving:

* Multiple WSGI/ASGI Python entry points per process

It allows loading multiple modules or app entry points into a single Python
process, choosing between them when handling requests with the full power of
Unit's routes system.

See here for Python's "targets" object description:

- https://unit.nginx.org/configuration/#configuration-python-targets

And here, more info about Unit's internal routing:

- https://unit.nginx.org/configuration/#routes

* Automatic overloading of "http" and "websocket" modules in Node.js

Now you can run Node.js apps on Unit without touching their sources:

- https://unit.nginx.org/configuration/#node-js

* Applying OpenSSL configuration commands

Finally, you can control various TLS settings via OpenSSL's generic
configuration interface with all the dynamic power of Unit:

- https://unit.nginx.org/configuration/#ssl-tls-configuration

The full changelog for the release:

Changes with Unit 1.24.0 27 May 2021

*) Change: PHP added to the default MIME type list.

*) Feature: arbitrary configuration of TLS connections via OpenSSL

*) Feature: the ability to limit static file serving by MIME types.

*) Feature: support for chrooting, rejecting symlinks, and rejecting
mount point traversal on a per-request basis when serving static

*) Feature: a loader for automatically overriding the "http" and
"websocket" modules in Node.js.

*) Feature: multiple "targets" in Python applications.

*) Feature: compatibility with Ruby 3.0.

*) Bugfix: the router process could crash while closing a TLS

*) Bugfix: a segmentation fault might have occurred in the PHP module if
fastcgi_finish_request() was used with the "auto_globals_jit" option

That's all for today, but even more exciting features are poised for the
upcoming releases:

- statistics API
- process control API
- variables from regexp captures in the "match" object
- simple request rewrites using variables
- variables support in static file serving options
- ability to override client IP from the X-Forwarded-For header
- TLS sessions cache and tickets

Also, please check our GitHub to follow the development and discuss new

- https://github.com/nginx/unit

Stay tuned!

wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

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