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Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

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January 13, 2020 08:14AM
Да, конечно, единственное что - изменю доменное имя, если вы не против.
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http write filter 00007FF7599D8E48
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 gzip in: 0000000000000000
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http copy filter: -2 "/api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199"
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 pipe write downstream done
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 event timer: 92, old: 7043363034, new: 7043363039
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 event timer: 78, old: 7043333034, new: 7043333039
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http upstream exit: 0000000000000000
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 finalize http upstream request: 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 finalize http proxy request
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 free rr peer 2 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 close http upstream connection: 92
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 free: 00007FF752049F80, unused: 48
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 event timer del: 92: 7043363034
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 reusable connection: 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http upstream temp fd: -1
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http output filter "/api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199"
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http copy filter: "/api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199"
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http postpone filter "/api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199" 00007FFD9965DD50
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http gzip filter
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 gzip in: 00007FF7599D8738
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 gzip in_buf:00007FF759A96318 ni:0000000000000000 ai:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 deflate in: ni:0000000000000000 no:00007FF759ADF752 ai:0 ao:14510 fl:4 redo:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 deflate out: ni:0000000000000000 no:00007FF759AE3000 ai:0 ao:0 rc:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 gzip in_buf:00007FF759A96318 pos:0000000000000000
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 malloc: 00007FF759F2F000:32768
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 deflate in: ni:0000000000000000 no:00007FF759F2F000 ai:0 ao:32768 fl:4 redo:1
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 deflate out: ni:0000000000000000 no:00007FF759F30319 ai:0 ao:27879 rc:1
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 gzip in_buf:00007FF759A96318 pos:0000000000000000
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 free: 00007FF759857000
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 write old buf t:1 f:0 00007FF759B58000, pos 00007FF759B5FFF6, size: 10 file: 0, size: 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 write old buf t:1 f:0 00007FF75AB19000, pos 00007FF75AB19000, size: 32768 file: 0, size: 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 write old buf t:1 f:0 00007FF75F8F7000, pos 00007FF75F8F7000, size: 32768 file: 0, size: 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 write old buf t:1 f:0 00007FF7599F3000, pos 00007FF7599F3000, size: 32768 file: 0, size: 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 write old buf t:1 f:0 00007FF759A20000, pos 00007FF759A20000, size: 32768 file: 0, size: 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 write old buf t:1 f:0 00007FF759A8E000, pos 00007FF759A8E000, size: 32768 file: 0, size: 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 write new buf t:1 f:0 00007FF759ADB000, pos 00007FF759ADB000, size: 32768 file: 0, size: 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 write new buf t:1 f:0 00007FF759F2F000, pos 00007FF759F2F000, size: 4897 file: 0, size: 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http write filter: l:1 f:1 s:201515
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http write filter limit 262144
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 windows: conn:11893020 stream:6029312
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A96418: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A96500: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A965E8: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A966D0: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A96808: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A968F0: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A969D8: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A96AC0: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A96BF8: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A96CF0: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A96DF8: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A96F00: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 posix_memalign: 00007FF759F14000:4096 @16
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759A96FC8: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F14190: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F14298: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F143A0: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F14508: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F14610: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F14718: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F14820: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F14988: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F14A90: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F14B98: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F14CA0: len:8192 flags:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2:39 create DATA frame 00007FF759F14DB8: len:4907 flags:1
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http write filter 0000000000000000
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http copy filter: -2 "/api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199"
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http finalize request: -2, "/api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199" a:1, c:1
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 event timer: 78, old: 7043333034, new: 7043333039
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2 read handler
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 SSL_read: 13
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 SSL_read: -1
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 SSL_get_error: 2
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2 frame type:3 f:0 l:4 sid:39
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2 RST_STREAM frame, sid:39 status:8
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [info] 17855#17855: *29319057 client canceled stream 39 while sending to client, client:, server: mydomain.info, request: "GET /api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199 HTTP/2.0", upstream: "http://192.
168.50.48:8081/api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199", host: "www.mydomain.info", referrer: "https://www.mydomain.info/"
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http run request: "/api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199"
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http test reading
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [info] 17855#17855: *29319057 client prematurely closed connection while sending to client, client:, server: mydomain.info, request: "GET /api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199 HTTP/2.0", upstream: "", host: "www.mydomain.info", referrer: "https://www.mydomain.info/"
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http finalize request: 499, "/api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199" a:1, c:1
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http terminate request count:1
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http terminate cleanup count:1 blk:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http posted request: "/api/epg?from=1578862800&to=1578949199"
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http terminate handler count:1
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http request count:1 blk:0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2 close stream 39, queued 1, processing 7, pushing 0
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2 frame complete pos:00007FF75925100D end:00007FF75925100D
2020/01/13 02:28:13 [debug] 17855#17855: *29319057 http2 write handler

Насчет proxy_ignore_client_abort:
# nginx -T 2> /dev/null | grep proxy_ignore_client_abort
proxy_ignore_client_abort on;

Это указано на уровне http.
Subject Author Posted

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

Maxim Dounin December 27, 2019 09:14AM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

yanda.a December 27, 2019 10:03AM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

yanda.a December 27, 2019 10:10AM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

Maxim Dounin December 27, 2019 12:04PM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

yanda.a December 30, 2019 03:21AM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

Maxim Dounin December 31, 2019 06:00AM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

yanda.a January 13, 2020 04:46AM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

Maxim Dounin January 13, 2020 07:34AM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

yanda.a January 13, 2020 08:12AM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

yanda.a January 13, 2020 08:14AM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

Maxim Dounin January 13, 2020 02:40PM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

yanda.a January 13, 2020 03:07PM

Re: Пустая переменная $upstream status при 499

Maxim Dounin January 14, 2020 07:48AM

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