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Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

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Maxim Dounin
February 19, 2012 07:54AM

On Sat, Feb 18, 2012 at 04:18:53AM -0500, locojohn wrote:

> fr 0
> p *p
> $1 = {upstream = 0x7fc76f262b50, downstream = 0x7fc76f2623d0,
> free_raw_bufs = 0x0,
> in = 0x0, last_in = 0x2238fa0, out = 0x223aae8, free = 0x223abb8,
> busy = 0x223a938, input_filter = 0x4653d0
> <ngx_http_fastcgi_input_filter>,
> input_ctx = 0x227ba00, output_filter = 0x432f00
> <ngx_http_output_filter>,
> output_ctx = 0x227ba00, read = 0, cacheable = 0, single_buf = 0,
> free_bufs = 1,
> upstream_done = 0, upstream_error = 0, upstream_eof = 0,
> upstream_blocked = 0,
> downstream_done = 0, downstream_error = 0, cyclic_temp_file = 0,
> allocated = 8,
> bufs = {num = 8, size = 16384}, tag = 0x694380, busy_size = 65536,
> read_length = 458766, length = 65528, max_temp_file_size = 1073741824,
> temp_file_write_size = 65536, read_timeout = 1800000, send_timeout =
> 600000,
> send_lowat = 0, pool = 0x2238200, log = 0x216b320, preread_bufs = 0x0,
> preread_size = 14, buf_to_file = 0x0, temp_file = 0x223a5b8, num =
> 33}

А можно ещё вот тут:

fr 0
p *p->busy->buf
p *p->busy->next->buf
p *p->busy->next->next->buf

И далее, увеличивая количество "next", пока ругаться не начнёт.

И аналогично для *p->out:

p *p->out->buf
p *p->out->next->buf
p *p->out->next->next->buf

Опять же, пока не начнёт ругаться.

Если удастся воспроизвести и получить debug log - будет
замечательно. Достаточно на уровне server и/или location.

Maxim Dounin

nginx-ru mailing list
Subject Author Posted

nginx 1.1.15: crash

locojohn February 17, 2012 09:33AM

Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

Валентин Бартенев February 17, 2012 09:42AM

Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

locojohn February 17, 2012 09:43AM

Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

Maxim Dounin February 17, 2012 01:18PM

Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

locojohn February 18, 2012 04:18AM

Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

Maxim Dounin February 19, 2012 07:54AM

Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

locojohn February 19, 2012 09:12AM

Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

Maxim Dounin February 19, 2012 05:20PM

Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

locojohn February 19, 2012 05:49PM

Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

Maxim Dounin February 20, 2012 04:08AM

Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

locojohn February 20, 2012 02:26PM

Re: nginx 1.1.15: crash

Maxim Dounin February 22, 2012 07:40AM

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