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Can nginx hide port number and rewrites for virtualhost?

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April 09, 2009 08:31PM
I'm running Oracle Collab Suite on port 7777 and 7778. Oracle installed its own Apache and hacking it has proven to be difficult. For one thing, I can't seem to get VirtualHost to work correctly. Since it doesnt use port 80 by default, I decided to put nginx in front of it. I managed to proxy pass port 80 to 7778. However, it doesnt stop there. Here's how things are now.

My mail is pointed to the following URL: http://mail.domain.com:7778/ocsclient/
My conferencing portal is pointed to: http://mail.domain.com:7778/imtapp/app/prelogin.uix

As you can see, the URLs are pointed to mail because that's what the machine name is called. I managed to create a CNAME which works but once it redirects after you log in, it goes back to http://mail.domain.com:7778/.....
So, two things ...

1 - How can I hide the port number, I think I got it to work using proxy_pass but that only seems to work for one "server."

server {
listen 80;
server_name mail.domain.com;

location / {
index index.html;
proxy_pass http://mail.domain.com:7778;

I added a second "server" directive for "conference.domain.com" but it sends me in a loop.

2 - How can I rewrite my URL so that if I go to "conference.domain.com" it doesn't change to "mail.domain.com." Don't forget the app was installed and takes the hostname of the server which is mail.domain.com.
Subject Author Posted

Can nginx hide port number and rewrites for virtualhost?

sdotsen April 09, 2009 08:31PM

Re: Can nginx hide port number and rewrites for virtualhost?

Igor Sysoev April 10, 2009 02:07AM

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