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Re: lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

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April 08, 2009 12:51PM
Thanks for answer Maxim, but it is exactly "out of sockets" openvz has
resource limit option for opened tcp sockets (numtcpsock) and when time
comes there becomes thousands (ten thousands approx.) of open
connections while there is only 2000-3000 clients. Apache keepalive is
off also. I read about TIME_WAIT state, I know the connection is
reusable but why there is so much sockets opened? As my knowledge while
nginx is a proxy it opens 2 connections for one client with apache, isnt
it right? So there must be 4000-6000 tcp sockets not 10000-15000.

Isn't "/proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_recycle" turned on by default in
linux? This can be my problem I will check and try it. May be it isnt
using sockets in TIME_WAIT states and timeout for connections in this
state is very big, so that it is opening new connections again and again
without dropping any of before opened sockets.

Maxim Dounin yazmış:
> Hello!
> On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 05:56:51PM +0300, Anıl Çetin wrote:
>> So, what is the solution? I have exactly the same problem, my nginx is
>> in a virtual server (openvz), working as a proxy server in front of
>> apache and oftenly (after 2k-3k requests) server becomes "out of
>> sockets" even I raise the allowed numbers of sockets to a very big
>> number.
> You probably "out of ports", not out of sockets. Solution is to
> configure TIME_WAIT reusing (tw_reuse, tw_recyle or something like
> depending on your OS). You may also allow your system to use more
> ports for outgoing connections.
> Under FreeBSD reusing of TIME_WAIT sockets is the default, and
> portrange for outgoing connections may be tuned via
> net.inet.ip.portrange.hifirst and net.inet.ip.portrange.hilast
> sysctls.
> Not sure about Linux, but Google suggests reusing of TIME_WAIT
> sockets may be turned on via /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_tw_recycle.
> Maxim Dounin
>> Igor Sysoev yazmış:
>>> On Wed, Apr 08, 2009 at 10:47:16AM +0300, Artis Caune wrote:
>>>> 2009/4/7 Deepan Chakravarthy :
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I am using nginx with fast-cgi . When I run
>>>>> $netstat -np | grep
>>>>> I find lot of connections in TIME_WAIT state. Is this because of high
>>>>> keepalive_timeout value ? When lot of people use (5 requests per second)
>>>>> nginx takes more time to respond. System load goes more than 10 during
>>>>> peak hours.
>>>> This is because of how TCP works.
>>>>> debian:~# netstat -np | grep
>>>>> tcp 0 0
>>>>> TIME_WAIT -
>>>>> tcp 0 0
>>>>> TIME_WAIT -
>>>> If you were on FreeBSD, you could disable TIME_WAIT on loopback
>>>> completely by setting:
>>>> sysctl net.inet.tcp.nolocaltimewait=1
>>> Due to the incorrect implementation this remedy is worse than the disease.
>>> The net.inet.tcp.nolocaltimewait relys on unlimited RST delivery, therefore
>>> if there are too many RSTs, they will be limited by net.inet.icmp.icmplim
>>> and you will have a lot of sockets in the LAST_ACK state on server side
>>> instead of lot of sockets in the TIME_WAIT on client side.
Subject Author Posted

lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

Deepan Chakravarthy April 07, 2009 10:45AM

Re: lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

Anoop Alias April 07, 2009 11:00AM

Re: lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

Jérôme Loyet April 07, 2009 11:07AM

Re: lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

Kon Wilms April 07, 2009 12:06PM

Re: lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

Artis Caune April 08, 2009 03:47AM

Re: lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

Igor Sysoev April 08, 2009 04:09AM

Re: lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

mow April 08, 2009 10:56AM

Re: lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

Maxim Dounin April 08, 2009 11:41AM

Re: lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

mow April 08, 2009 12:51PM

Re: lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

Peter Langhans April 08, 2009 01:10PM

Re: lots of connections on TIME_WAIT state

mow April 09, 2009 05:17AM

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