May 06, 2010 12:37PM

I'm fairly new at this, but I've googled for days and not been able to solve this, so I thought I'd try asking for help.

I am running a jsp-webapp on Tomcat, and want to use nginx as a reverse proxy with ssl, in order to access the webapp through https securely over the internet.

However, this webapp is not nicely written. Instead of linking normally, say to " page2.jsp ", it links to " ".
I have gotten the reverse proxy to work as I want in the few cases the webapp links normally, but I haven't got nginx to change the url of links that is hardlinked to http.

I first started to try to rewrite the webapp, but some http-links are generated by compiled .class-files, and I don't have the source code.

So is there any way to make nginx (or another reverse proxy?) look through each page that is transferred and change all links and post-url's from " " to " "?
That would be very nice, so that I don't have to try to decompile and edit several hundred .class-files.

Huge thanks to anyone that help me!
Subject Author Posted

Rewrite links from hardlinked http to https.

Genesis May 06, 2010 12:37PM

Re: Rewrite links from hardlinked http to https.

Guillaume Filion May 12, 2010 03:22PM

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