Hi Gena,
thx for the reply. Works perfectly as well!
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Gena Makhomed wrote:
> On Sunday, April 5, 2009 at 16:02:34, Peter Langhans wrote:
> PL> My problem is, that I need my php scripts to know
> PL> in some way or another whether SSL is used or not
> PL> (to include either https or http javascript files e.g.).
> PL> When using nginx as webfrontend proxy, it accepts all the ssl
> PL> connections and it's working fine, but when I proxy through to
> PL> apache, the knowledge about SSL is 'lost'. If possible, I don't
> PL> want to be using different ports for proxying through to apache.
> ...
> PL> Does anyone have an idea how I can get any custom set header,
> PL> set in the nginx.conf through to the php scripts?
> nginx config:
> =============
> proxy_set_header X-Nginx-Scheme $scheme;
> # nginx variable $scheme will be 'http' or 'https'.
> apache config:
> ==============
> SetEnvIf X-Nginx-Scheme "^https$" HTTPS=on
> # Apache environment variable HTTPS will be 'on' or not defined.
> PHP code:
> =========
> $scheme = getenv('HTTPS') && strtolower(getenv('HTTPS')) != 'off'
> ? 'https'
> : 'http';
> # PHP variable $scheme will be 'http' or 'https'.
> --
> Best regards,
> Gena