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passing header information on to backend Apache/PHP

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Peter Langhans
April 05, 2009 09:02AM

I'm using nginx 0.6.35, apache 2.0.63 and php 5.2.9.

My problem is, that I need my php scripts to know in some way or another
whether SSL is used or not (to include either https or http javascript files

When using nginx as webfrontend proxy, it accepts all the ssl connections
and it's working fine, but when I proxy through to apache, the knowledge
about SSL is 'lost'. If possible, I don't want to be using different ports
for proxying through to apache.

I thought it'd be enough to set headers like:

for 80:
proxy_set_header X-Secure of;

for 443:
proxy_set_header X-Secure on;

put I have not found a way how I could retrieve those values from within the
php script. They seem to be filtered out by Apache.

Does anyone have an idea how I can get any custom set header, set in the
nginx.conf through to the php scripts?

Thanks a lot,
Subject Author Posted

passing header information on to backend Apache/PHP

Peter Langhans April 05, 2009 09:02AM

RE: passing header information on to backend Apache/PHP

lbates35406 April 05, 2009 09:37AM

Re: passing header information on to backend Apache/PHP

Peter Langhans April 05, 2009 09:57AM

RE: passing header information on to backend Apache/PHP

lbates35406 April 05, 2009 09:40AM

Re: passing header information on to backend Apache/PHP

Peter Langhans April 05, 2009 10:25AM

Re: passing header information on to backend Apache/PHP

anomalizer April 05, 2009 10:32AM

Re: passing header information on to backend Apache/PHP

Gena Makhomed April 05, 2009 11:26AM

Re: passing header information on to backend Apache/PHP

Peter Langhans April 05, 2009 11:57AM

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