I'd like do some static file tests on nginx, because I'd like to use nginx as my static file server
so I wrote a loop(500000 loops) to send request and retrive response from nginx through a 100M speed network (LAN),
I used apache httpclient to connect to nginx, after only 4 loops, the httpclient throws exception:
org.apache.http.conn.ConnectionPoolTimeoutException: Timeout waiting for connection
and the client could never connect to nginx again.
it looks like nginx blocked the request from my httpclient, I think maybe it is because I send too many requests to nginx at the same time, so could you please tell me is there a way to configure nginx not to block request from a specific IP address? I just had too many files to test, I don want to set some interval time between my requests, that will cost me weeks to finish the test. Thanks a lot!