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Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

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September 15, 2009 01:52AM
On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 02:38:48PM +0900, Zev Blut wrote:

> Hello,
> On 09/15/2009 01:47 PM, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> ><quote who="Zev Blut">
> >
> >>Nginx 0.6.34 and above have changed the gzip_vary directive to add the
> >>"Vary: Accept-Encoding" header to uncompressed responses as well as
> >>compressed responses.
> >
> >This should only be the case for the matched gzip_types, though not *all*
> >uncompressed responses. Have you included (inappropriate for compression)
> >image and audio types in gzip_types? If so, remove them, and you should be
> >done (unless there is a bug in nginx -> but I haven't seen a similar thing
> >happen on my servers).
> I don't think I have, but just in case here is a copy of my gzip commands:
> ---------------------
> # Serve up static compressed items
> gzip_static on;
> ## Compression
> gzip on;
> gzip_http_version 1.1;
> gzip_comp_level 2;
> gzip_proxied any;
> gzip_min_length 1100;
> gzip_buffers 16 8k;
> gzip_types text/plain text/html text/css application/x-javascript
> text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript;
> # Some version of IE 6 don't handle compression well on some mime-types,
> so just disable for them
> gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6].(?!.*SV1)";
> # Set a vary header so downstream proxies don't send cached gzipped
> content to IE6
> gzip_vary on;
> ---------------------
> But with these commands things like jpgs and mp3s are still getting the
> Vary: Accept-Encoding header, even though they are not compressed.
> Is there something I am missing?

It should not.
Could you create debug log ?

Igor Sysoev
Subject Author Posted

Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Zev Blut September 15, 2009 12:16AM

Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Jeff Waugh September 15, 2009 12:54AM

Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Zev Blut September 15, 2009 01:44AM

Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Igor Sysoev September 15, 2009 01:52AM

Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Zev Blut September 15, 2009 08:46AM

Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Igor Sysoev September 15, 2009 08:46AM

Re: [BULK] Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Zev Blut September 15, 2009 08:46AM

Re: [BULK] Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Igor Sysoev September 15, 2009 08:46AM

Re: [BULK] Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Igor Sysoev September 15, 2009 08:46AM

Re: [BULK] Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Igor Sysoev September 15, 2009 08:46AM

Re: [BULK] Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Zev Blut September 15, 2009 08:46AM

Re: [BULK] Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Igor Sysoev September 15, 2009 08:46AM

Re: [BULK] Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Zev Blut September 15, 2009 08:52AM

Re: Ways to control the gzip_vary directive from nginx 0.6.34 and above?

Igor Sysoev September 15, 2009 01:22AM

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