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Comprehensive Rewrite Rules / Regular Expressions Guide?

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Ole Rehmsen
April 01, 2009 06:04AM
Hey everyone,

I want to modify some rewrites I currently have in my nginx.conf, but I
could not find proper documentation of the available operators and
language constructs to do so. Googling I found tons of people trying to
convert rewrite rules from apache to nginx, but since I have never used
apache, this is not very helpful to me. Is there some document
explaining all supported operators for the regular expressions?

For example, I have something like $host ~* "www" in my config, and from
the context I can guess that ~* seems to check whether the left hand
side contains the right hand side. But I did not find a proper
specification in any regular expressions guides.

My current problem at the moment is that I want to say something like
"if the domain used is not already www.example.de, than change it that
way". I want that all example.com, example.org... are rewritten to read
www.example.de. So I need to know wether there is a possibility to
negate a condition, or something like "unless" or so. However, this is
only one problem I have right now, I would very much like to understand
the bigger picture and all the options I have in rewritting stuff. Is
there a document listing those options?
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Subject Author Posted

Comprehensive Rewrite Rules / Regular Expressions Guide?

Ole Rehmsen April 01, 2009 06:04AM

Re: Comprehensive Rewrite Rules / Regular Expressions Guide?

Jérôme Loyet April 01, 2009 06:27AM

Re: Comprehensive Rewrite Rules / Regular Expressions Guide?

Igor Sysoev April 01, 2009 06:28AM

Re: Comprehensive Rewrite Rules / Regular Expressions Guide?

Ole Rehmsen April 01, 2009 06:56AM

Re: Comprehensive Rewrite Rules / Regular Expressions Guide?

mike April 01, 2009 06:50AM

Re: Comprehensive Rewrite Rules / Regular Expressions Guide?

Igor Sysoev April 01, 2009 07:32AM

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