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Re: New third party module: GeoIP

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March 31, 2009 06:48AM

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 12:11 AM, Spil Games <lists@ruby-forum.com> wrote:

> The Nginx GeoIP module is based on the original Geo module, the
> difference being that it is not being controlled by a piece of config,
> but makes use of the MaxMind GeoIP binary API natively. It provides for
> fast lookups from both the binary GeoLite and GeoIP Country databases
> available from MaxMind.
> One of the advantages to use the binary databases and API is getting
> automated updates from MaxMind through the geoipupdate utility. This is
> also the reason why SPIL GAMES wrote this module.
> http://wiki.codemongers.com/NginxHttpGeoIPModule
> --
> Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.

I am wondering whether this could also support Maxminds GeoIP ISP database
to lookup ISP name where the user coming in.

We have a requirement where we need to re-direct users to the web
servers which are hosted on the same ISP where the user subscribed to.
Ofcause we need to purchase the GeoIP ISP database though if this is

Could you please advice whether we could accommodate geoip_isp_code or
something similar instead of geoip_country_code.

Thanks in advance

Subject Author Posted

Re: New third party module: GeoIP

hirantha March 31, 2009 06:48AM

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