If you have store cookies on the server turned off then you might need to increase http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpCoreModule#client_header_buffer_size or after a little while of browsing and the cookie requests gets larger then 1k you will start receiving some bad request errors from NginX. The other solution is just to store them on the server if you can.
Also if you get lots of large pages you can tweak http://wiki.nginx.org/NginxHttpFcgiModule#fastcgi_buffers to prevent them from being buffered to disk potentially causing high IO.
On Feb 7, 2010, at 4:54 AM, zereshk wrote:
> BTW, any ideas to tweak the nginx configs to have the best performance on a 1GB RAM but busy VPS running several glype proxy sites?
> Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,50781,51664#msg-51664
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