fastcgi_path_info is built into the FastCGI module. So you just have to add the configuration settings.
How did it make Glype dysfunctional? i had the reverse problem and that was when i attempted to use Path info it would always redirect to the wrong location.
it works fine for me using typical php location block with fastcgi_params.
On Feb 5, 2010, at 11:32 PM, zereshk wrote:
> Thanks Rob, for your reply.
> I turn off Path info URL encoding option on glype, but it made glype dysfunctional. Then, I tried to cofigure nginx-0.8.33 --with-fastcgi_split_path_info but I receive
> ./configure: error: invalid option "--with-fastcgi_split_path_info"
> I really appreciate it if you can give me further instructions, ideally a sample ./cinfigure and nginx.conf file.
> Cheers
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