I managed to rewrite URLs to lowercase with the embedded perl module:
http {
perl_modules perl/lib;
perl_set $uri_lowercase 'sub {
my $r = shift;
my $uri = $r->uri;
$uri = lc($uri);
return $uri;
server {
location / {
if ( $uri != $uri_lowercase ) {
rewrite . http://$host$uri_lowercase;
# or just:
# rewrite . $uri_lowercase;
The first option (with the if and http://$host) sends an HTTP redirect to the lowercase URL if the requested URL is not completely in lowercase. I like this approach better as it kind of normalizes all URL to a canonical form.. The second option (without if nor http://) just accepts any URL and internally rewrites them to lowercase: if you rename all your directories and files to lowercase, this will imitate Windows' case-insensitive behaviour.
Kudos to the following post were I draw the "inspiration" :D from to get this done. The embedded perl doc and examples are indeed scarce. :-(
Anyway I see two problems in this approach:
- you need the embedded perl module which according to the docs is experimental and can lead to memory leaks.
- the actual redirection is done with the rewrite, which you can put on the location you need. But the URL lowercase calculation, being on the "http" section of the config, is done for each and every request arriving to your server. Say you have a virtual server with 10 domains and you only need this on one particular location of one of them. The lowercase URL is going to be calculated for every request of every domain.
I guess that by defining a perl function the URL calculation could be restricted to a particular location, have to look into it further. Another option is writing a C module.
El 01/02/2010, a las 06:27, arianna escribió:
> can it be done? need case insensitivity on ubuntu
> Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,48527,48527#msg-48527
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