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Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

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January 28, 2010 09:54PM
saltyflorida wrote:
> I forgot to mention that I am using caching with the HTTP Proxy module and that I only want to cache responses from the production servers. When I have the cookie set to "testing" or "staging", I'd like to bypass the cache and talk directly to the backend. Does this sound feasible?
Sure. Do a rewrite using your $backend variable under the 'location /'
block to one of three other blocks, which have the different definitions
of your proxy_pass, proxy_cache_valid...


map $cookie_[name] $backend {

default production;
test test;

location / {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /$backend/$1;

location /production/ {
proxy_pass http://backend_production;
proxy_cache_valid ...

location /test/ {
# no proxy_cache_valid

Note, you'll need some way to catch the case of no cookie variable, so
it's unwise to put $cookie_[name] directly in the rewrite result (you'll
get an infinite loop on such results).


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Subject Author Posted

Switching backends based on a cookie

saltyflorida January 28, 2010 06:43PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

Eugaia January 28, 2010 07:06PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

merlin corey January 28, 2010 07:28PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

merlin corey January 28, 2010 07:30PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

saltyflorida January 28, 2010 09:01PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

Eugaia January 28, 2010 07:54PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

merlin corey January 29, 2010 12:44PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

saltyflorida January 28, 2010 07:57PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

Eugaia January 28, 2010 09:54PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

saltyflorida January 29, 2010 02:05AM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

saltyflorida January 29, 2010 02:13AM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

Eugaia January 29, 2010 05:58AM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

saltyflorida February 03, 2010 12:31AM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

saltyflorida January 28, 2010 08:51PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

Piotr Sikora January 28, 2010 09:10PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

saltyflorida January 28, 2010 09:18PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

Piotr Sikora January 28, 2010 09:20PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

Laurence Rowe January 29, 2010 02:24PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

Eugaia January 29, 2010 06:04PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

Laurence Rowe January 30, 2010 01:50PM

Re: Switching backends based on a cookie

Eugaia January 30, 2010 07:04PM

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