Thanks for your suggestion.
2009/4/3 Yu.Cheung
> I think you can write an upstream module to resolve it.
> use the HEAD you get, to make a request, send the new request to the
> upstream you want to sent, get the response, check it,
> and then you can use ngx_http_internal_redirect() function to redirect
> the origin request to another upstream you defined.
> just do it, good luck!
> 2009/3/25 Delta Yeh :
> > Hi all,
> > I want to implement the following feature:
> > 1. client HEAD request arrive , my module send it to an upstream.
> > 2. the upstream return response.
> > 3. my module check the response, if it is not the data I want, send the
> > origin request to another upstream
> >
> > I know the block mode will work. I want to know if there is asynchronous
> > mode which will fit into nginx better?
> >
> > BR,
> > DeltaY
> >