On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 11:25:56PM -0400, Jim Ohlstein wrote:
> Subject: Nginx Forum Open Again
> Author: Jim Ohlstein
> Hello Everyone,
> Having taken into consideration all that was said previously, we took the forum offline and did some tweaking.
> As of now all outgoing mails should have the requested headers so they will be properly sorted by MUA's. All posts to the list are being posted to the forum, albeit with some charset issues that should not impact the list. We have been testing this functionality for several days. Taking it live with two way communication may produce some unanticipated issues though I have done a lot of testing to ensure that it does not. Attachments are supposed to work on messages inbound to the forum. Currently that is an issue and is being addressed. My workaround is to upload them myself but that hopefully will be temporary. Attachments outbound to the list do not work. Our workaround will be to post them to an accessible URL for download.
> In addition to the forum attached to the mailing list there are other forums (or fora for you purists) for discussions that are better left off the list.
> Additionally we have created some non-English forums that have been requested and we are willing to have others should they be desired.
> Once again I ask for your patience should there be any hiccups along the way.
> Thanks again to Igor for use of his domain name.
> Come visit us at http://forum.nginx.org/.
> Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,409,409#msg-409
Jim, thank you. I like the new forum's linking to the list.
Igor Sysoev