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sudden increase in writing connections and apache processes

January 13, 2010 05:56PM

I'm using nginx as reverse proxy to apache. Apache only serves php because I had no time to set up fastcgi or php-fpm on this box.

Anyway, today there was sudden increase in nginx writing connections and increase of apache processes. It already happened to me in past and cause was the datacenter resolvers (at least switching to google resolvers fixed it immediately). Today the change of resolvers does not do anything.

Here are graphs to show the situation: http://ultranet.sk/~temp/weird.PNG

Anyone experienced something similar? What can be wrong?

Thank you.

Subject Author Posted

sudden increase in writing connections and apache processes

vicky007 January 13, 2010 05:56PM

Re: sudden increase in writing connections and apache processes

Gabriel Ramuglia January 13, 2010 08:14PM

Re: sudden increase in writing connections and apache processes

Kruglov Eugenie January 14, 2010 01:20AM

Re: sudden increase in writing connections and apache processes

vicky007 January 14, 2010 03:06AM

Re: sudden increase in writing connections and apache processes

vicky007 January 14, 2010 03:43PM

Re: sudden increase in writing connections and apache processes

Gabriel Ramuglia January 14, 2010 04:58PM

Re: sudden increase in writing connections and apache processes

vicky007 January 15, 2010 05:19AM

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