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Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

Reinis Rozitis
February 12, 2010 09:14AM
> So, both php-cgi and php-fpm appear to not behave well with nginx.

First of all - when running php in fastcgi mode you should understand that more or less the webserver is taken out of picture.

The php fastcgi service is a standalone process which listens on port or socket and doesnt actually care what webserver (as far as
it can 'talk fastcgi') is used (of course there are some differences of how the webservers handle this or that situation/error
(like lighttpd for example disables the backend for some time (configurable) if its not reachable and doesnt try to reconnect at
that period).

But the basic principles which have worked for us (on a pretty big site with thousands of requests per sec) are such:

1. Use PHP-FPM! ( http://php-fpm.org/ ) while at the moment it requires you to patch and build your php from source (rather than
installing some distro package) even the php developers themselves have admited that current php process manager is bassicaly shite.
And for a good reason they have at last included the php-fpm in the 5.3 tree (still experimental though).

Without php-fpm you bassically have no control over your fastcgi processes (except the 'PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS') the master process
can die / childs can get stuck in infinite loops or eat all of your ram in case of a leaking code / extension.

2. The typical problem we have encountered when php pages suddenly stop processing is either all the forked childs are doing some
long (unintended) running scripts (as the inbuilt max_max_execution_time doesnt always work (if at all) as expected) or just have
been hanged so the master process has no free childs to assign the incomming request.

Thats why you:
- spawn more than just few childs. While the typical approach is to like go by cpu core count we have experienced that adding some
multiplier like 3 - 4x works better as the php code tends usually to wait more from external resources (DBs etc) rather than
processing code
- use the great features of php-fpm to monitor which scripts take too long to execute and kill those who are taking too long.

Like we use:

<value name="request_slowlog_timeout">30s</value>
<value name="request_terminate_timeout">60s</value>

Which means that requests taking more than 30 seconds to compute will be logged (backtraced) and those taking longer than minute
killed by force.
Has helped to to find all the infinite loops and other weird issues created by php coders or also opcode accelerators like eA ( look
at this for example http://www.eaccelerator.net/ticket/381 )

- tune the process_control_timeout and emergency_restart_threshold settings so the php childs get respawned in case there are memory
leaks/errors or the child gets stuck.

3. At last to debug whats the child is actually doing is easilly done with 'strace' .. Use 'ps aux' to see the process numbers and
see what php child is taking cpu and then attach with 'strace -p [pid]' and you can take a look what is the process doing (if


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Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

Niro January 12, 2010 01:05PM

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merlin corey January 12, 2010 07:52PM

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war59312 February 11, 2010 11:13PM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

Daniel Hahler February 12, 2010 08:24AM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

Reinis Rozitis February 12, 2010 09:14AM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

Piotr Karbowski February 12, 2010 09:20AM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

shaktale February 12, 2010 01:30PM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

Usu April 03, 2010 06:51PM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

jjjx128 April 03, 2010 11:09PM

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Usu April 04, 2010 03:55AM

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unclepieman April 04, 2010 02:38PM

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unclepieman April 03, 2010 10:48PM

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Usu April 04, 2010 02:59PM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

unclepieman April 04, 2010 03:19PM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

Usu April 04, 2010 03:21PM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

Don Burris June 20, 2010 05:32PM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

franky gman August 11, 2011 01:08PM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

Volodymyr Kostyrko August 12, 2011 01:38AM

Re: Nginx + PHP FASTCGI FAILS - how to debug ?

Reinis Rozitis August 12, 2011 07:34AM

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