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Re: Scalability issue

Cliff Wells
March 24, 2009 02:20PM
On Wed, 2009-03-25 at 01:12 +0800, howard chen wrote:

> 1. No matter how fast you are delivering the data, it is bounded by
> only one thread, so it is not scalable as nowsaday if you have 8 core
> + server?

Nginx can use as many cores as you have available (via worker
processes). But this question is overly simplistic anyway. There's
more to a server than CPU utilization.

> 2. Even you are using event-driven, remote clients must also need to
> establish a remote port to your web server, so you can't save much
> resources in fact?

A thread uses quite a lot of RAM (the exact amount is system-dependent),
so by not using them you do, in fact, save a lot of resources. There's
also things like kernel context-switches, CPU cache invalidation and
other things that make threads less efficient than event-driven

There's quite a lot of information on the pros-and-cons of event-driven
vs threaded servers available on the internet. Google is your friend.

Subject Author Posted

Scalability issue

howard chen March 24, 2009 01:12PM

Re: Scalability issue

Rapsey March 24, 2009 02:14PM

Re: Scalability issue

Maxim Dounin March 24, 2009 02:16PM

Re: Scalability issue

Cliff Wells March 24, 2009 02:20PM

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