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Scalability issue

howard chen
March 24, 2009 01:12PM

I am new to nginx.

According to the web: http://wiki.nginx.org/Main

It said...

Nginx is one of a handful of servers written to address the C10K
problem. Unlike traditional servers, Nginx doesn't rely on threads to
handle requests. Instead it uses a much more scalable event-driven
(asynchronous) architecture. This architecture uses small, but most
importantly, predictable amounts of memory under load...

But my questions are...

1. No matter how fast you are delivering the data, it is bounded by
only one thread, so it is not scalable as nowsaday if you have 8 core
+ server?

2. Even you are using event-driven, remote clients must also need to
establish a remote port to your web server, so you can't save much
resources in fact?

Thank you .
Subject Author Posted

Scalability issue

howard chen March 24, 2009 01:12PM

Re: Scalability issue

Rapsey March 24, 2009 02:14PM

Re: Scalability issue

Maxim Dounin March 24, 2009 02:16PM

Re: Scalability issue

Cliff Wells March 24, 2009 02:20PM

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