I don't think ab can do that. Try curl with -w and the time_pretransfer option.
You seem to have concluded that Nginx is the problem. Are you sure? I wouldn't be, I've found Nginx to be extremely fast and efficient -- I can complete entire requests in single-digit ms numbers. Have you removed the network between you and the server from the equation, i.e., have you tested it on the same machine as Nginx with curl or ab?
You can locate the bottleneck by reducing it to the simplest case (which presumably won't exhibit the problem) and moving out from there, testing every component and changing one thing at a time until you see the problem. Then you've found the bottleneck. Note that the OS can be tuned too.
On Jan 3, 2010, at 3:37 AM, ehudros2 wrote:
> Hi Troy,
> Thanks for your response. It does change when running ab, giving a smaller total time for the page load, but I'm not sure if and how I can break ab's total request time further. Is there a way to make is show the different phases of the page loading (waiting for response, downloading etc.)?
> Also, on the same machine running Firebug I get much lower "waiting for response" values for other competing sites as well as general purpose sites. Most range in the 50-150 ms range while ours is somewhere in the 500-900ms range.
> My question is what parameters in nginx can affect the amount of time a request is waiting for response? How can I try and locate the bottleneck here? How can I tell if the amount of worker process I have up is sufficient?
> Thanks for helping out again :)
> Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,35403,36282#msg-36282
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