fr 2
#2 0x000000000049386d in ngx_http_fastcgi_handler (r=0x9d94f0) at src/http/modules/ngx_http_fastcgi_module.c:600
600 src/http/modules/ngx_http_fastcgi_module.c: No such file or directory.
in src/http/modules/ngx_http_fastcgi_module.c
p *r
(gdb) p *r
$1 = {signature = 1347703880, connection = 0x845128, ctx = 0x730970, main_conf = 0x767de8, srv_conf = 0xa07d28, loc_conf = 0xa109a0,
read_event_handler = 0x45e536 <ngx_http_upstream_rd_check_broken_connection>,
write_event_handler = 0x45e559 <ngx_http_upstream_wr_check_broken_connection>, cache = 0x0, upstream = 0x7254c0, upstream_states = 0x725ec0,
pool = 0x730560, header_in = 0xb0e680, headers_in = {headers = {last = 0x9d9560, part = {elts = 0x730c60, nelts = 10, next = 0x0}, size = 48,
nalloc = 20, pool = 0x730560}, host = 0x730c60, connection = 0x0, if_modified_since = 0x0, user_agent = 0x730c90, referer = 0x730de0,
content_length = 0x0, content_type = 0x0, range = 0x0, if_range = 0x0, transfer_encoding = 0x0, expect = 0x0, accept_encoding = 0x730d20, via = 0x0,
authorization = 0x0, keep_alive = 0x730d80, x_forwarded_for = 0x0, x_real_ip = 0x0, depth = 0x0, destination = 0x0, overwrite = 0x0, date = 0x0,
user = {len = 0, data = 0x0}, passwd = {len = 0, data = 0x0}, cookies = {elts = 0x731020, nelts = 1, size = 8, nalloc = 2, pool = 0x730560}, server = {
len = 10, data = 0x9d7dc8 ""}, content_length_n = -1, keep_alive_n = 300, connection_type = 2, msie = 0, msie4 = 0, msie6 = 0, opera = 0,
gecko = 1, konqueror = 0}, headers_out = {headers = {last = 0x9d96b0, part = {elts = 0x7305b0, nelts = 0, next = 0x0}, size = 48, nalloc = 20,
pool = 0x730560}, status = 0, status_line = {len = 0, data = 0x0}, server = 0x0, date = 0x0, content_length = 0x0, content_encoding = 0x0,
location = 0x0, refresh = 0x0, last_modified = 0x0, content_range = 0x0, accept_ranges = 0x0, www_authenticate = 0x0, expires = 0x0, etag = 0x0,
override_charset = 0x0, content_type_len = 0, content_type = {len = 0, data = 0x0}, charset = {len = 0, data = 0x0}, content_type_lowcase = 0x0,
content_type_hash = 0, cache_control = {elts = 0x0, nelts = 0, size = 0, nalloc = 0, pool = 0x0}, content_length_n = -1, date_time = 0,
last_modified_time = -1}, request_body = 0x725900, lingering_time = 0, start_sec = 1246203875, start_msec = 650, method = 2, http_version = 1001,
request_line = {len = 48, data = 0x9d7d90 "GET /images/photoalbum/image.php_t1.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost"}, uri = {len = 35,
data = 0x9d7d94 "/images/photoalbum/image.php_t1.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost"}, args = {len = 0, data = 0x0}, exten = {len = 3,
data = 0x9d7db4 "jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost"}, unparsed_uri = {len = 35, data = 0x9d7d94 "/images/photoalbum/image.php_t1.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost"},
method_name = {len = 3, data = 0x9d7d90 "GET /images/photoalbum/image.php_t1.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost"}, http_protocol = {len = 8,
data = 0x9d7db8 "HTTP/1.1\r\nHost"}, out = 0x0, main = 0x9d94f0, parent = 0x0, postponed = 0x0, post_subrequest = 0x0, posted_requests = 0x0,
virtual_names = 0xbdfea0, phase_handler = 11, content_handler = 0x49360c <ngx_http_fastcgi_handler>, access_code = 0, variables = 0x730aa0,
ncaptures = 6, captures = 0x7311d8, captures_data = 0x7253e0 "/var/www/vhosts/", limit_rate = 0,
header_size = 0, request_length = 698, err_status = 0, http_connection = 0x72d428, log_handler = 0x44d4ff <ngx_http_log_error_handler>,
cleanup = 0x725f20, http_state = 2, complex_uri = 0, quoted_uri = 0, plus_in_uri = 0, zero_in_uri = 0, invalid_header = 0, valid_location = 1,
valid_unparsed_uri = 1, uri_changed = 0, uri_changes = 11, request_body_in_single_buf = 0, request_body_in_file_only = 0,
request_body_in_persistent_file = 0, request_body_in_clean_file = 0, request_body_file_group_access = 0, request_body_file_log_level = 5,
subrequest_in_memory = 0, waited = 0, cached = 0, gzip = 0, proxy = 0, bypass_cache = 0, no_cache = 0, limit_zone_set = 0, limit_req_set = 0,
pipeline = 0, plain_http = 0, chunked = 0, header_only = 0, zero_body = 0, keepalive = 1, lingering_close = 0, discard_body = 0, internal = 0,
error_page = 0, ignore_content_encoding = 0, filter_finalize = 0, post_action = 0, request_complete = 0, request_output = 0, header_sent = 0,
expect_tested = 0, root_tested = 0, done = 0, logged = 0, buffered = 0, main_filter_need_in_memory = 0, filter_need_in_memory = 0,
filter_need_temporary = 0, allow_ranges = 0, stat_reading = 0, stat_writing = 1, subrequests = 51, state = 0,
uri_start = 0x9d7d94 "/images/photoalbum/image.php_t1.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost", uri_end = 0x9d7db7 " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost",
uri_ext = 0x9d7db4 "jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost", args_start = 0x0, request_start = 0x9d7d90 "GET /images/photoalbum/image.php_t1.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost",
request_end = 0x9d7dc0 "\r\nHost", method_end = 0x9d7d92 "T /images/photoalbum/image.php_t1.jpg HTTP/1.1\r\nHost", schema_start = 0x0, schema_end = 0x0,
host_start = 0x0, host_end = 0x0, port_start = 0x0, port_end = 0x0, header_name_start = 0x9d7f48 "Cookie", header_name_end = 0x9d7f4e "",
header_start = 0x9d7f50 "fusion_visited=yes; __utma=28977764.3622015001431640600.1246203663.1246203663.1246203663.1; __utmb=28977764.12.10.1246203663; __utmc=28977764;|ut"..., header_end = 0x9d8048 "\r\nyle_images/rooq/css_pp_header.gif", http_minor = 1,
http_major = 1, header_hash = 2940209764, lowcase_index = 6, lowcase_header = "cookierionrsetg", '\0' <repeats 16 times>}
p *flcf
(gdb) p *flcf
$2 = {upstream = {upstream = 0x0, connect_timeout = 60000, send_timeout = 60000, read_timeout = 60000, timeout = 0, send_lowat = 0, buffer_size = 4096,
busy_buffers_size = 8192, max_temp_file_size = 1073741824, temp_file_write_size = 8192, busy_buffers_size_conf = 18446744073709551615,
max_temp_file_size_conf = 18446744073709551615, temp_file_write_size_conf = 18446744073709551615, bufs = {num = 8, size = 4096}, ignore_headers = 1,
next_upstream = 7, store_access = 384, buffering = 1, pass_request_headers = 1, pass_request_body = 1, ignore_client_abort = 0, intercept_errors = 1,
cyclic_temp_file = 0, temp_path = 0xb16ef8, hide_headers_hash = {buckets = 0xb63450, size = 15}, hide_headers = 0xffffffffffffffff,
pass_headers = 0xffffffffffffffff, cache = 0x0, cache_min_uses = 1, cache_use_stale = 2147483649, cache_methods = 6, cache_valid = 0x0,
store_lengths = 0x0, store_values = 0x0, store = 0, intercept_404 = 0, change_buffering = 0, ssl = 0x0, ssl_session_reuse = 0}, index = {len = 9,
data = 0xa0fdf8 "index.php"}, flushes = 0xb638d8, params_len = 0xb68ef0, params = 0xb697a0, params_source = 0xa0fe48, catch_stderr = 0x0,
fastcgi_lengths = 0x0, fastcgi_values = 0x0, cache_key = {value = {len = 0, data = 0x0}, flushes = 0x0, lengths = 0x0, values = 0x0}, split_regex = 0x0,
split_name = {len = 0, data = 0x0}}
conf.d is empty, and sites-enabled contains vhosts with nothing really relevant (vhost+rewrites+php@fastcgi) + proxy to apache with some proxy settings.