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Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

June 18, 2009 03:09AM
On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 1:43 PM, Jools Wills<buzz@exotica.org.uk> wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-06-18 at 09:33 +0700, Edho P Arief wrote:
>> Try this
>> http://blog.myconan.net/archives/1476
>> or if you prefer the old way, try this instead:
>> http://blog.myconan.net/archives/1117
> I'll take a look thanks. Understanding why I can no longer use the code
> as before though would still be helpful.
> Also, setting up a userdir sholdnt be this complicated. The lack of
> multiple conditionals and other aspects to the config can be very
> limiting :/ I think the takeup on NGINX would be more if it was an
> easier upgrade route where you could do things without spending hours
> working out how to make a config for something that was "easy" on
> apache.

IMO nginx is not suited (or not designed) for multiple user usage.

WRT the alias, it's either bug or just as intended (I also hit this
error when trying this).

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Subject Author Posted

Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

Jools Wills June 17, 2009 06:37PM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

edogawaconan June 17, 2009 10:33PM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

Jools Wills June 18, 2009 02:43AM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

edogawaconan June 18, 2009 03:09AM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

Jools Wills June 18, 2009 07:22AM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

Igor Sysoev June 18, 2009 03:41AM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

edogawaconan June 18, 2009 04:13AM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

Igor Sysoev June 18, 2009 04:21AM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

edogawaconan June 18, 2009 04:39AM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

Igor Sysoev June 18, 2009 04:46AM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

Jools Wills June 18, 2009 07:17AM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

Igor Sysoev June 18, 2009 07:34AM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

Jools Wills June 20, 2009 11:27AM

Re: Error with config when upgrading from 0.6.34 to 0.7.59 (the "alias" directive must use captures inside location given by regular expression)

Igor Sysoev June 20, 2009 11:38AM

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