I am using Nginx 0.7.54 with php 5.2.8 as the web server. When I configure
the host name, like: *.music.goog.com, I find a very wield phenonmenon that
I can't get the third level of this domain.
I print this variable in php:
$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] ; it says: music.goog.com
my nginx.conf follows like:
listen 80;
server_name music.goog.com *.music.goog.com;
index index.html index.htm index.php;
The requirement is I wanna get the third level of domain which is the short
code of countries, (ex: ar, br, cn, us) to set the cookies then redirect to
the concerned page. My idea is to redirect in the php page. I try to use url
parameters with "?country=us" to implement. It's ok but it's no use when
users only input "http://ar.music.goog.com" or to show confusing result with
Hoping the experts reply.