This behavior is driving me crazy. Currently have more than 30 sites
behind this reverse proxy, but the latest is refusing to work.
Config is simple and pretty similar between them all.
server {
listen 80;
server_name material.av.domain;
include /etc/nginx/snippets/location-letsencrypt.conf;
# return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
If I point the browser to material.av.domain got redirected to another
sub-domain, among the 30 mentioned before. However, everything else
works just fine.
The configuration of the domain it redirects to is the same as the site
I am trying to deploy.
Even tried changing URL, but result is the same. DNS is resolving to
correct IP. Got no error logged neither.
Since I'm stuck, I welcome any ideas and/or suggestions.
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<td><img src="https://unau.edu.ar/assets/logo.png" width="100" /></td>
<td><strong>Daniel A. Rodriguez</strong><br /><em>Informática, Conectividad y Sistemas</em><br />Universidad Nacional del Alto Uruguay<br />San Vicente - Misiones - Argentina<br /><a href="https://informatica.unau.edu.ar" rel="noopener">informatica.unau.edu.ar</a></td>
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