Thanks for the response.
The link explains the problem, I think we could do better work for users.
If the configuration has 2 servers sharing the same name and the same port
I got this warning:
"nginx: [warn] conflicting server name "http://www.mut.com/" on, ignored"
Why not block this mistake?
I assume the second server ignored, but why let it possible?
If the servers do not have name
I got this warning:
nginx: [warn] conflicting server name "" on, ignored
nginx: [warn] conflicting server name "" on, ignored
both warning:
first no way for NGINX gives good warning, both server looks the same.
if user did such mistake, better to block.
Why not enforce using at list one server have "listen default_server port"?
Why not enforce server names , and not let more than one server with same name?
Is NGINX set the bit default_server ,on the first "ngx_http_conf_addr_t", of the first server, that read from conf file? (if no default_server was defined)?
-----Original Message-----
From: nginx <nginx-bounces@nginx.org> On Behalf Of Francis Daly
Sent: Tuesday, 30 May 2023 19:57
To: Yuval Abadi via nginx <nginx@nginx.org>
Subject: Re: duplicate ports across servers in nginx.conf
EXTERNAL MAIL: nginx-bounces@nginx.org
On Tue, May 30, 2023 at 06:50:19AM +0000, Yuval Abadi via nginx wrote:
Hi there,
> When I have 2 servers in nginx.conf with same listen port if the server have name, nginx issue warning ignore … but nit failed to load.
> What happens is only the first server in conf binds the socket.
> And worse, If no server names I did not get a warning.
Does https://nginx.org/en/docs/http/request_processing.html explain what you are seeing?
If not, can you show one small but complete configuration that shows the problem that you are reporting?
"name-based virtual servers" are based around listening on the same port, and having the http server responding differently based on the
Host: in the incoming request. It would be surprising if that feature became broken.
The documentation for "listen" at https://nginx.org/r/listen does note that some parameters only make sense when set once (or set the same each time, if they are set more than once); I don't know if you are hitting one of those cases?
Francis Daly francis@daoine.org
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