> And I can't make a location block for a mimetype, or using another specifier than regexes to filter out requests to certain 'file types'. Is there any other 'good' solution except for, on my origin adding rewrites from /something/data1/ to /data1/?
Why just not separate the locations rather make them nested?
Something like:
location /something/ {
proxy_cache disk_cache;
proxy_pass http://origin/data1/;
location ~* ^/something/.*\.xml$ {
proxy_cache fast_disk_cache;
proxy_pass http://origin/data1/;
If you don't want to multiply the whole location { proxy_pass } configuration you can use the map directive (http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_map_module.html) and just change the proxy_cache on the fly (you can easily add multiple cache locations this way):
map $request_uri $cache {
^/something/.*\.xml fast_disk_cache;
default disk_cache;
server {
location /something/ {
proxy_cache $cache;
proxy_pass http://origin/data1/;
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