On 4/30/20 2:09 PM, MarcoI wrote:
> This is the nginx configuration in Ubuntu 18.04 :
> server {
> listen 443 ssl http2 default_server;
> server_name ggc.world;
> ...
> location / {
> proxy_pass;
If I'm reading your config directly, this is passing port 443 to the
backend here at port 8080 on the system locally. Therefore, the 404
request could be coming from this backend. Have you verified that this
path actually works in your app when accessed directly on the system?
If it does not, then the backend app is at fault here.
> ...
> And running the go-webserver:
> goServer$ go run server-gorillamux.go
> I get this error: POST https://ggc.world/puser/add 404
.... which is indicative of the issue because of the above mentioned
proxy_pass block being on the app you've built/compiled. If that
backend doesn't have the capacity to handle the requested path it could
return the 404 which would trickle back and show a 404 via the nginx server.
> Posted at Nginx Forum: https://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,287914,287914#msg-287914
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