Jim Ohlstein Wrote:
> nerdgrind wrote:
> Exactly.
> >
> > Those are the facts Mike. Your support for
> php-fcgi sounds more like an opinion than a
> statement based on fact.
> This may be but your claim that there are zero
> complaints with Apache
> and that Apache is "rock solid" and never goes
> down is also an opinion
> that happens to be wrong. I have myself seen it go
> down. Of course we
> were only handling 4 million requests/day at the
> time and we were using
> Apache with mod_perl to serve a Perl script, so it
> wasn't PHP. That's
> why I had supervisord installed. It can restart
> php-cgi just as easily
> (and probably php-fpm but I haven't tried it) as
> it can Apache and even
> nginx. The fact that I never posted my experience
> on a forum doesn't
> mean it never happened.
Correction: I used monit to restart Apache at that time. Previously I had used my own shell script.
Jim Ohlstein