I know you're a superfan of php-fpm, and fcgi in particular, but some of us have very high traffic blogs that require 100% uptime if possible, which Apache can provide. php-fpm, spawn-fcgi, and php-fcgi are for small blogs that can afford to experiment, and aren't going to lose money when fcgi crashes or hangs.
Apache is rock solid when handling PHP, and this is a fact. fcgi has stability issues even when the php-fpm patch is installed.
I understand your enthusiasm, but until you're blog is getting millions of visitors each month you cannot really test the stability of php-fpm on your production server.
What's boggles my mind is hearing so many people recommend any flavor fcgi for PHP despite all the instability, crashing, and hanging issues that continue to be unresolved, when nearly every server comes with Apache which handles PHP in a stable and reliable manner right out of the box.