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RE: proxy_store: is it used much?

Reinis Rozitis
October 29, 2019 04:28AM
> proxy_store seems to be a much simpler alternative to “cache" pseudo-static resources.
> Is there anything non-obvious that speaks agains the use of proxy_store?

Depends on how you look at "much simpler".

proxy_store doesn't have a cache manager so space limitation/cleaning is up to you.
Also nginx doesn't save any headers (contrary to proxy_cache) with the stored file so next requests won't return expire / content-type etc what came originally from backend but based on the (local) proxy configuration.

The advantage is that there are no additional checks (like if the object is expired) or any additional requests to upstream. Also files are named and have the exact path as on backend (with proxy_cache nginx adds additional data in the beginning of each cached file).

Other than that there is nothing wrong or bad with proxy_store. I use it for a lazy repository mirror where I know the package/iso files won't change and the cached directory/file structure is more human readable / easy to inspect.


nginx mailing list
Subject Author Posted

proxy_store: is it used much?

roger_bc October 28, 2019 07:10PM

RE: proxy_store: is it used much?

Reinis Rozitis October 29, 2019 04:28AM

Re: proxy_store: is it used much?

Igor Sysoev October 29, 2019 08:00PM

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