On 18/10/19 12:20 pm, Patrick wrote:
> Without a map, try starting with:
> if ( $uri?$args = /test/place?id=2 ) {
> rewrite ^ http://new.example.com/${uri}?${args}? last;
> }
> Then as the site migration continues turn that `if' test into a regexp
> that will match the migrated components.
I can get the following to work.
if ( $uri = /test/place ) {
rewrite ^ http://new.example.com${uri}?${args}? last;
and this also works.
if ( $args = id=2 ) {
rewrite ^ http://new.example.com${uri}?${args}? last;
Unfortunately I cannot get the suggested solution to work. Did I miss
some setting or quotes?
> if ( $uri?$args = /test/place?id=2 ) {
> rewrite ^ http://new.example.com${uri}?${args}? last;
> }
Tried the following and it works but is it safe?
if ( $request_uri = "/test/place?id=2" ) {
rewrite ^ http://new.example.com${uri}?${args}? last;
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