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set up TLS/ DTLS terminations for TCP/UDP connections

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January 11, 2019 08:46AM
Hi all,

I need to set up TLS/ DTLS terminations for TCP/UDP connections.
The Ingress should be the solution to expose our services via TCP/UDP connections with TLS/ DTLS terminations.
I'm using nginx version: 1.15.3

Is it possible to set up TLS/DTLS terminations for TCP/UDP connections?

Thanks in advance for your collaboration and help.
Best regards, Pietro
Subject Author Posted

set up TLS/ DTLS terminations for TCP/UDP connections

pietdinu January 11, 2019 08:46AM

Re: set up TLS/ DTLS terminations for TCP/UDP connections

Maxim Konovalov January 11, 2019 09:04AM

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